Tuesday, August 18, 2009

A Bionicle a Day

A Bionicle a day keeps the fussiness away. Yes we got that greatly desired toy this morning and the pure joy it brought continued throughout the entire day. Amazing. And what fun to see a kid enjoy a toy so much. Which was good because...did I mention that my oven is broken?

My oven IS broken. Guy came out today to look at it, had the part (an ignitor) to fix it, but dropped it and it broke. He didn't have another in the truck, so now we have to wait until tomorrow (hopefully)- or maybe the next day before it's fixed. My kids took this as an immediate indication that we would have to eat out until it was repaired, then I reminded them that the grill, microwave and stove still work-not to mention the Crock Pot. The disappointment was palpable. Do they not like my cooking?! On second thought, let's not answer that.

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Monday, August 17, 2009

P. Sherman, 42 Wallaby Way

Well sure enough, just as Dory was able to remember "P. Sherman, 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney" at the end of the movie, so Ryan remembered that he wanted to go to Target today to get a Bionicle. Unfortunately it was around dinner time, and there was no time to go tonight. I told him we'd have to wait until tomorrow, terms which he did not accept, but in the end he realized he had no other choice. Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming, swimming....

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Source of my joy...and pain

Dealing with my youngest son (5 years old) has got to be taking years off my life, not to mention causing the increasing amount of grey hairs that are popping up on my head. The past week or so he's been asking for a Bionicles toy (by Legos). And mine and my husband's response has been "save your money". This of course has not placated him in the least. He does not comprehend yet the whole "saving" concept. The last time he spent his allowance money he bought some regular Legos. But he knew that he had saved up for them and so now when you tell him to save his money, he just responds, "I did!"

Now you have to understand that he has some developmental delays, language delays, and some other diagnoses, plus he's just plain STUBBORN. So whenever Ryan wants something and he doesn't get his way....let's just say all hell breaks loose. Now my husband and I are pretty good parents, we know we can't give in to him just to get him to stop having a tantrum, BUT this kid can throw the biggest, loudest, nastiest tantrums ever. I mean we're talking hysteria. And these tantrums can go on for an hour or more, and even then he's so mad that you can't get him to do anything, nor can you or the family get anything accomplished. So avoiding these kind of situations are at the top of our list because life has to go on and housework and errands and school can't get done if Ryan's having a tantrum. So at times...sometimes against our better judgement...some creative parenting takes place.

Now back to the Bionicles incident. He wants this toy and doesn't have enough money, so I tell him he can earn some money by cleaning up and doing some chores. He JUMPS at this opportunity and cheerfully starts doing his best at everything I can tell him to do. Of course, a 5 year old cannot really do enough chores to earn $6-8 in one day. And yet, this is exactly what he's thinking...make my bed, pick up my stuffed animals and Legos and- BOOM!- I should have enough for a Bionicle toy. He also hit a wall in the chore department, he sort of fizzled out and got a little defiant about the last few chores I divvied out to him. But his desire to get this toy TODAY had not changed. So we can see it on the horizon...a tantrum coming based on the inability to understand "saving" money and how much time it can take. And, he's only 5, so we figure we'll cut him a little slack and pay him some $$ for the chores, then and advance him the allowance money he needed- provided he continued to behave and clean up like we told him.

Well, his patience runs dry and he decides he wants the toy ASAP. I put him off until after his speech therapy appointment, hoping he'd forget- HA! yeah right. So after a long discussion in the car I tell him I'll let him get the toy, and that he can open it and look at it, but he can't put it together or play with it until after school, after he's done some more chores. We seemed to be in agreement...so after leaving the therapist's office we head back home toward Target.

Five to 10 minute pass and as we're headed down the road that is on the way to Target (but not the usual route home) he asks, "Mom, where are we going?" I'm thinking "what?! are you serious?!" I say, "we're going to Target." His response: "What're we going to Target for?" At this point (because he knows good and well Target is where he saw the Bionicle in the first place and is the place where we always go to buy toys/spend allowance $) I don't know what to say. Do I bring up the Bionicles or just let it go...? So I say, "I need to get some toothpaste"- which was in fact the truth. He then stated that he didn't want to get toothpaste and asked if he could get a hamburger for lunch.

How in the world had the whole ENTIRE morning been about nothing but getting a Bionicle toy that day, and in turn been forgotten in a span of 10 minutes? I felt like I was talking to Dory (the blue tang) in Finding Nemo! So off we went to get a hamburger, then home, packed his snack and sent him off to preschool. On his way out the door he talked about cleaning some more when he got home.

I've never met anyone else who could provide me with so much stress and frustration, nor anyone who provides me with so much laughter and joy. He's a child of extremes, but that's one of the things that makes him so lovable.

Other Ryan-isms:
After having a tantrum and locking himself in his room, after a while I felt I should go tell him that lunch was ready if he wanted to eat...when I knocked on the door, his response was: "who goes there?"

He "mooned" us after dinner the other night...where he got this I idea I have no clue.

I bought him some apple juice at a convenience store and after taking the first sip he says, "Hey, this isn't too bad!"

In the midst of my frustration this morning, he looks me directly in the eye and says, "I love you mudder!"


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Sunday, August 16, 2009

What to do...and how do I do it?

You know I really think blogging is neat and I would love to learn how to do it more. But visiting other blogs, like the ones I have linked on the sidebar makes me realize how much I don't know about maintaining or even starting a blog. How did those "stay at home moms" like me learn so much about blogging? Those are some pretty fancy sites. And even if I did learn all the "how to's"...does the internet really need one more stay at home mom blogging recipes, budgeting and shopping tips, mothering advice, etc.? So if this were something I wanted to take more seriously, then I guess I have to: 1) decide a theme or direction for my blog, and 2) learn how to do all the fancy stuff. Do I even have time? Maybe I should just leave well enough alone for now.

I guess I must just be having a depressing night because I'm also so discouraged about the status of my house. I am going to have to admit that I'm not a domestic goddess. Even when the house is "clean" it's still messy. I have closets, drawers and cabinets that need de-cluttering and although I know all the "how to's" I just get overwhelmed at where to start. Everything is in such a state that it all seems like it is a priority. And then whenever I get a headwind to start...something always derails me. Sometimes I wish I had someone to just tell me what to do, to walk me through life step by step. I feel so unorganized, even though I have great organization skills, I just lack motivation and get too easily discouraged. I need a motivator and encourager...and an extra set of hands. ;)

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Saturday, August 15, 2009

Calling all Pampered Chef Reps

Well apparently I'm not completely over my cold like I thought I was. I was unloading the dishwasher and dropped my Pampered Chef mixing cup (the small 1 liter one) on the floor. I guess I'm still a little weak. Anyway, it shattered all over the kitchen floor. I would have been more upset about it except that it shattered into a thousand beautiful shiny glass pieces. It was amazing and kind of pretty. I know that's hard to imagine, but the pieces were particularly sparkly. I'm pretty sure anyone who does glass art would have been very pleased, but alas, I'm left without a mixing cup. So any Pampered Chef reps out there...I need another one.


What the heck

I started this blog several years ago, just to have a Blogger account, so I could post comments on different blogs. Then I thought I would try my hand at a little blogging about autism, since that was front and center in our family life...but you see how that fizzled out. Now I've just decided to randomly post whenever I can, about anything I want. We'll see how that goes.

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